Acing an interview requires a good amount of skill and Preparation to be at ease in the interview room. It is also comfortable to discuss why you will be the best fit for the role. Interviewing is a skill in itself where your ability to interact with the interviewer and articulate your thoughts is as important as getting the job based on your qualifications listed on your resume. This is a list of Job interview skills that will help you to get hired.

1. Interview Preparation

If you haven’t prepared well, the interviewer can see right through it, and your answers will suffer if you have poor Preparation. You must devote at least an hour to your interview preparation.

Here is a simple formula for your 60-minute Preparation of your job interview skills:

1. 5 minutes of re-reading and analyzing the job description.

2. 5 minutes of re-reading your resume and cover letter and practicing to pitch yourself in the first place.

3. 15 minutes of researching the potential interview questions specific to the position and the industry.

4. 20 minutes of practicing the interview questions and recall specific examples from your work experiences, such as achievements, challenges, and accomplishments, this will serve as anecdotes in response to the questions asked.

5. 15 minutes of researching the company, its mission, vision, values, and recent projects.

Practice makes perfect. Despite practicing these interview questions, you can ask your friend to pose as an interviewer so that you can get used to answering the questions.

2. Be on time

It is essential that you reach the interview on time. No interviewer will compromise with late arrival. It will create a negative impression. No matter what you do, it may be asking your friend to get you up early, setting five alarms, or reaching the venue at the earliest, avoiding transportation issues. It’s just that you have to be on time.

3. Think before you speak

You always have to think before you speak; an answer given in a rush is never a good answer. Instead, try to repeat the interviewer’s question and, during that time, try to think of an accurate answer. Avoid the ‘ums’ and ‘uhs’. If you feel you are stumped, you can say, “what a great question; I have never been asked a question like this before; give me just a second to think about it.”

4. Speak clearly and calmly

Talking too fast can make you seem anxious and nervous. It can be worse when asked questions such as ‘describe yourself ‘or questions where you need to give an explanatory answer. At this time, it is best if you keep your poise and answer each question calmly and clearly.

5. Be Confident, not Arrogant

Yes, it is essential to talk about your achievements to promote yourself. But keep in mind and check that you don’t come across as arrogant or self-important. No matter how good you are at work, you will face countless obstacles if you do not hold that ability to work as a team and keep cordial relations with your managers, co-workers, and clients.

6. Try to Listen

Many of us say ‘Right’ or ‘Exactly’ over and over, but how many of us listen? 

However, if you don’t listen, you might miss the entire point of the question, and your answer might fall flat. Stay in the moment, and don’t zone out even if the interviewer is continuously blabbing on. Preparation will help tremendously but staying focused, and listening is the key.

7. Express Optimism both with your words and body language

No company wants to hire employees with a bad attitude. No matter what the situation is, it would be best to keep off the baggage before entering the interview room. It would be best if you do not use bad mouth about your previous employer or any company you are associated with and not complain about your circumstances at any cost.

Be natural when expressing your perspective with a sense of Optimism. If you discuss a problem, try talking about how you can solve it. Always remember your body language does matter as much as your words. Walk in with a smile, give firm handshake, and sit up straight, slightly leaning towards the interviewer, giving him a hint that you are interested in this conversation.

8. Show Interest without desperation

Sometimes it is helpful to think of an interview as one’s first date. Disinterest, apathy, or monotony will likely turn off the interviewer, so will over-enthusiastic desperation. Don’t act desperate while sitting for the interview; pleading or begging have no place in the discussion. Be truthful and honest while answering what has been asked, and the job is yours.

9. Express Gratitude

Always try to express Gratitude to your interviewers. Always say thank you after the interview is concluded. It would be best to thank them for letting you understand more about the position and always following up with a Thank you email after reaching home. This will increase the probability of letting them know that you are interested in the job.

So, this is a list of job interview skills that will not only help you crack an interview but also help you grow personally in your daily life.
